Friday, August 31, 2012

Nerd Love pt. IX

  Yo-ha my nerdy bro-has!
      Man oh man am I excited for you guys to read this pt of Nerd Love. I'm finally starting to get to the point where the story is reaching the climax and if all goes well it will be both heart warming and hilarious, at least to me. I think this is a really good part and I look forward to your compliments. On another note the 24 hr game marathon went off without a hitch despite the hallucinations and fear that I could be killed by sticky grenade all day the next day. I reached my goal and the sick kids at children's memorial are mildly comforted I'm sure. Well enjoy this section of Nerd Love and the premiere of Doctor Who this weekend as I surely will and remember

Nerds Do It Better

   Nerd Love pt. IX

( The next day at Gwen and Greg’s apartment. Greg is in the kitchen, Gwen is playing video games and Brent is moping on the couch)
Brent: SIGGH
Gwen: Shut. Up.
Brent: I came here for you to HELP me.
Greg: (from the kitchen) Help you with WHAT? Oh my name’s Brent, I have two gorgeous girls on the line, my gold plated game boy’s batteries are dead, and my huge dick won’t fit in my underwear.
Brent: …Gold plated Game boy?
Greg: I’ve always wanted one.
Gwen: He has pictures of them in his dream folder.
Brent:  hahaha Dream folder??
Greg: Shut. Up.
Brent: OK well that made me feel better, but seriously what do I do you guys.
Gwen: UUUgh..OK (she puts down the controller and turns to Brent) so let’s look at the facts, you said Casey makes you feel off.
Brent: Yeah but I don’t mean that negatively, she makes me feel off in the sense that she makes me feel like, I dunno I’m not good enough, not like I’m not good enough for her just that I could be better and she knows it.
Greg: yeah I got that vibe from her when she was here for dinner.
Brent: what?
Greg: Yeah, not in a negative way just that she expects a little more from you…maybe.
Gwen: That’s not necessarily a bad thing maybe she just thinks you’re capable of more. Maybe she wants to see you realize your full potential.
Brent: Am I not doing that?
Greg: Hey, you’re a self-employed writer making…money and a part owner of the best damn comic book store in the county. You’re doing fine.
Gwen: You could send your stuff out to more places maybe.
Brent: noted
Gwen: Ok, so there’s that. Now you also said that you find Dawn energizing.
Brent: I recall those feelings.
Gwen: So what’s more important to you, being pushed to excel or feeling energized?
Greg: In theory one could lead to the other.
Brent: I don’t feel like I’m being pushed to excel by Casey I also don’t know if the energy I get from Dawn is necessarily beneficial. It might be more like speed and less like B-12 vitamins.
Greg: So you feel judged around Casey and dangerously high around Dawn?
Brent: If you’re gonna get all REAL about it.
Gwen: (groan) this really isn’t that difficult Brent. I’m sure you have feelings for both of them just as I’m sure they would both be good for you in different ways. The question is which one do you care about the most? It’s not like you’d have to cut ties completely with the other one either, everyone could use more friends.
Greg: You especially.
Brent: Says one of said friends.
Greg: there is another option. You could do the bad ass thing and juggle two chicks until you sleep with both of them, preferably at the same time.
Brent: …that would never happen. Would it?
Gwen: I’m sure it would end up the same way as that time you tried to juggle swords.
Greg: His toe is completely healed.
Brent: I can bend it and everything. Well, as usual you guys have given me more questions than answers but you have given me some things to think about. I’ll see you guys tomorrow
(he gets up and leaves. Greg goes and sits next to Gwen who curls up next to him and places her head on his shoulder.)
Gwen: Who do you think he should end up with?
Greg: Honestly I don’t know. I think there both nice but I’m not sure either of them deserve it.
Gwen: Being juggled like “perfectly safe” swords?
Greg: No, the love of our man Brent.
(Brent is walking home and passes a park. It is dark and he stops on a bridge over a small stream looking contemplative. As he moves to leave a bike is coming across the bridge and hits him sending both him and the rider flying towards the same end of the bridge.)
Brent: What the FUCK! (he looks over at the rider who is a short, long-haired girl wearing torn up jeans and a T-shirt that reads “My other shirt is mythril”.) Hey are you OK?
Girl: Yeah I’m fine, that was my fault I was trying to text, drink, and furiously ride my bike over strangers all at the same time.
Brent: Its dark out and my jacket is black you couldn’t have seen me.
Girl: Are YOU alright? I see blood.
Brent: I feel fine. No harm no foul righhhWAAAAH. (there is a huge gash in his right forearm). Whoa uh yeah it’s just a cut.
Girl:  That looks bad you should go get stitches.
Brent: Nah I got some band aids at home, plus chicks dig scars right? I’m starting to feel tired too, bed sounds good.
Girl: You’re tired cause your losing blood plus the whole chicks dig scars thing is a total myth. Come on (she helps him up) there’s a clinic nearby that my friend works at. We can get you stitched up there.
Brent: Thank you for injuring me and then helping me kind stranger.
Lew: I’m Lucy but everybody calls me Lew.
Brent: Brent
Lew: Nice to meet you Brent.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gaming marathon for charity!

Today is the day starting in just under an hour I will begin playing video games and won't stop till tomorrow morning. I for see red bull and dry eyes in my future but I also see a lot if fun for a great cause. This is all in the name of giving, specifically to the Chicago children's memorial hospital .
Now I will be playing many games throughout the day starting with Dark Souls on Xbox and then changing it up with some Halo: Reach and Mass Effect 3. I will also be nostalgiaing it up with some old ps2, n64, and snes gaming. For those interested to play along with me my Gamertag is Dyce Wins.
I will also be filming this event live via ustream, so if you want to watch the fun as it happens and see me swear a lot at the tv follow me on twitter and look for the link I will be posting there shortly. Thanks to all the fantastic people who have already donated, thanks to you my original goal has been met but fear not if you haven't donated yet there is still time and it can be done here:
Today should be a fun day that tests
If I'm still capable of doing something I did dozens of times when I was 13. And remember even when it comes to charity events
Nerds Do It Better

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nerd Love Pt VIII

   Sorry for the recent bout of silence but, No wait I'm NOT SORRY. I have a life and a new job and I do this for free so quit your bitchin'! I do apologize for yelling just now though. That may have been uncalled for. In either case I have a new chunk of Nerd Love for you here to make up for my recent tardiness. Enjoy and as always

Nerds Do It Better

Nerd Love Pt. VIII
(Brent enters Irish pub and sees Dawn dressed casually sitting at the bar)
Brent: Hey there
Dawn: Hey yourself, take a seat I ordered you a beer.
Brent: What? Who does that in real life? This could end horribly.
Dawn: Don’t worry, I know quality when I see it.
Brent: Noted…Sooo do you come here often?
Dawn: HA What?
Brent: What?
Dawn: Did you seriously just ask me that? What are you nervous or something?
Brent: heh yeah maybe, I guess I’m just not used to being asked to drinks by attractive package handlers, I didn’t mean that to be as dirty as it sounded.
Dawn: Ha it’s ok I am a great package handler. There is more to me than delivering packages you know.
Brent: I’m sure that’s true but how would I know, for all I am aware of you could be a high tech delivery robot from the future sent here to lull me into some false sense of security before you deliver my body to scientists via time machine so they can study me because I’m the first mutant and my super powers will be far too powerful.
Dawn: …Wow
Brent: Uh yeah I can go off on tangents sometimes.
Dawn: Clearly, well I am a delivery girl by day but an artist by night. I like to draw and paint mostly things you can’t see in the real world.
Brent: That awesome! So like unicorns and things like that?
Dawn: Why do you jump on unicorns right away?
Brent: I guess I just assumed. You are blond and a girl.
Dawn: Well I paint all kinds of things, mostly fantasy landscapes (under her breath) with unicorns in them.
Brent: HA (beer gets put in front of Brent and he drinks it) wow that is pretty good.
Dawn: Told ya, I know quality when I see it.
(Back at Brent’s apartment he is talking on the phone)
Brent: and then we talked about our college years and how she used to smoke a lot of pot and we laughed about how if she still did it would help her art and then I told her how I am a writer and we started brainstorming about how we could combine our talents and create a unicorn based comic strip…it was such a great night
Greg: …I’m going to go get Gwen
Brent: That’s probably for the best
Gwen: What’s up?
Brent: It was a great night. We have so much in common.
Gwen: Aw yay, what did you guys talk about don’t leave anything out.
Brent: Ok so… (after he tells the whole story)
Gwen: So what about Casey?
Brent: OH god I don’t know. Casey is like a female me; we have the same taste in everything. Games, TV, Books but sometimes I just feel I don’t know…off around her I guess. With Dawn it’s like, I mean we don’t have the same taste in everything but I feel…energized when I’m around her. She is funny, colorful and is willing to watch Firefly after I spent an hour explaining to her it was nothing like Star Trek.
Gwen: So she isn’t quite the nerd girl you were looking for then?
Brent: No but…there is something there.
Gwen: Well then you know what you have to do, don’t you?
Brent: Make sure I buy the blu ray of Firefly and wash my bed sheets?
Gwen: What is wrong with you?
Brent: What?
Gwen: You have to end it with Casey!
Brent: What? Why?
Gwen: What do you mean why? You clearly have feelings for Dawn.
Brent: But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like Casey, I like her a lot actually.
Gwen: But you also like Dawn.
Brent: Right…
Gwen: So…
Brent: I don’t…oh shit
Gwen: Now you’re gettin’ it.