This series will appear every Monday following AMC's hit show Breaking Bad. I highly suggest watching the episode before reading this column as SPOILERS will abound.
Episode 6: Cornered
Apologies for missing last weeks recap, I had some IRL stuff to attend to. So let's briefly recap the two important story lines from episode 5. We last left Jesse cruising with Henchman Mike to the desert on what we assume is the end of Jesse Pinkman. Instead Jesse spends the day making "dead drops" with Mike and just tagging along. Then, ALL OF SUDDEN, there is an attempted robbery (that is set up by Gus to make Jesse feel like a hero) and Jesse has a sense of self worth.
Walt's cozy little world in which he has no control over anything is eating at him. He wants his just due from someone, anyone, for being the meth kingpin of the southwest. With the car wash bought, Hank chalking up Gale as Heisenberg, and his life in order, Walt decides to get all liquored up and OMFG, WALT WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??!!! Walt makes a drunken proclamation that Gale is probably not "the guy" as Walt believes his lab work to be little more than "rote copying" and that the guy is probably still out there. Hank dives back into the case noting that it is interesting for Gale, a vegan, to have a flier for Los Pollos Hermanas in his house. WALT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!11?!!
On to episode 6...
Awesome cold opening again. Once again we see the cartel attacking a Los Pollos truck (BTW, I want to eat at Los Pollos Hermanos so effing bad). Outsmarting the traveling muscle this time by attaching the exhaust to the refrigeration and waiting for them to die in the back. Now they just have to sit back, eat the recently-shot-in-the-face driver's lunch, and pick out the glow in the dark marked meth bucket.
Walt wakes up hungover after his reveal to Hank the previous night. Asking Skyler, "What did I even say?" Skyler does not look amused. A note about the drunken revelation, some may claim it was a cop out move, but it really felt like a real move anyone of us would have when their world starts crumbling and you lose a sense of control. It seemed a little random as we have never seen Walt indulge to this level before, but I know all my problems can be solved by getting absolutely hamhocked, so why can't Walt's?
Skyler listens to Walt's heartfelt love goodbye that she misinterpreted in the previous episode. Coupled with Walt's drunken boasting, she pieces together what is really going on in their new life. She deduces correctly the goings on and murderous atmosphere that Walt is in, and pleads that the last gasp must be to turn himself in. Walt spouts off with an AWESOME speech where he tells her that he is the one people fear and the whole organization ceases to exist without him. Skyler gets the fuck out of there, flipping a coin at the four corners to decide where to flee to. Walt also gets the keys to the car wash from smarmy ex-owner Bogdan. As a final "fuck you," Walt insists on keeping the first dollar Bogdan ever made and uses it to purchase a refreshing Coke.
Walt Jr. starts asking questions about where Skyler is and how she has no right to be mad at Walt because he "has a disease." Walt insists that everything he does is because of the choices he has made and not his "gambling disease." Speaking of poor decisions, Walt buys his sons love by purchasing him an awesome Dodge Challenger MUSCLE CAR OF AUTOMOBILE ERECTIONS. A out of work school teacher that just bought a car wash and has a "gambling problem" buys his son a new car. Yup, everything is normal over here, IRS.
Jesse shows up to work at the lab, oop nope, he's going out with Mike again. But not before him and Walt have a little face to face time regarding Jesse's new status within the crew. Walt really gives it to Jesse, basically telling him that he is nothing and that this must be ALL ABOUT ME. Walt figures out, accurately I might add, that Gus is driving a wedge between him and Jesse. After the way that Walt sums up the situation I would be ready to tell him to piss off as well. This isn't a you help me, I help you relationship anymore. Right now, its more about the horrible things they have done for each other, and there zest for staying alive. It's already clear that Jesse is trying to get as far away from what he has done to help Walt (killing Gale) with his drug use and constant partying. Looks like Gus' plan is working pretty well.
With Jesse out of the lab and Walt stuck with all the cleaning, he does the sensibly thing and bribes three Honduran women from the laundry to help out. They of course, are promptly fired and deported by Gus, because he is a ruthless crime boss. What did you expect Walt? Even after he tells Tyrus that, "You tell Gus to blame me, not them." Tyrus simply replies, "he does."
Well what do you know, Jesse is halfway competent at being muscle. He coaxes out the methheads in possession of the stash the cartel stole and saves the day. Mike even lets out a wry smile at Jesse's clever antics. Later, Mike presumably sings his praises to Gus, though we do not get to hear the conversation. Gus and Jesse's brief conversation outside the diner lend us to think that what started out as an experiment may have actual merit if Jesse's talent shines through. You don't get an audience with the boss if he doesn't like the job you did. Mike and Gus discuss the message left by the cartel that says "ready to talk?" Mike would like to "get 10-15 operators and hit them where it hurts." Why? Because he is the BEE'S KNEES OF CHARACTERS. Gus instead opts for a meeting to be setup. Lame.
In the final scene, Skyler and Holly return to the house to find Junior's new whip. As he goes for a ride, Skyler insists that it must be returned and that she will get blamed for it. It ends with her right on the money assessment that "someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family."
Fav Scene: Walter's speech to Skyler about how "in control" he is
Fav Line: from above Walt "I AM the one who knocks."
Next Week's Title: Problem Dog (based on the preview and where we are in the season, I think this one is going to be a doozy)
Walt's cozy little world in which he has no control over anything is eating at him. He wants his just due from someone, anyone, for being the meth kingpin of the southwest. With the car wash bought, Hank chalking up Gale as Heisenberg, and his life in order, Walt decides to get all liquored up and OMFG, WALT WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??!!! Walt makes a drunken proclamation that Gale is probably not "the guy" as Walt believes his lab work to be little more than "rote copying" and that the guy is probably still out there. Hank dives back into the case noting that it is interesting for Gale, a vegan, to have a flier for Los Pollos Hermanas in his house. WALT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!11?!!
On to episode 6...
Awesome cold opening again. Once again we see the cartel attacking a Los Pollos truck (BTW, I want to eat at Los Pollos Hermanos so effing bad). Outsmarting the traveling muscle this time by attaching the exhaust to the refrigeration and waiting for them to die in the back. Now they just have to sit back, eat the recently-shot-in-the-face driver's lunch, and pick out the glow in the dark marked meth bucket.
Walt wakes up hungover after his reveal to Hank the previous night. Asking Skyler, "What did I even say?" Skyler does not look amused. A note about the drunken revelation, some may claim it was a cop out move, but it really felt like a real move anyone of us would have when their world starts crumbling and you lose a sense of control. It seemed a little random as we have never seen Walt indulge to this level before, but I know all my problems can be solved by getting absolutely hamhocked, so why can't Walt's?
Skyler listens to Walt's heartfelt love goodbye that she misinterpreted in the previous episode. Coupled with Walt's drunken boasting, she pieces together what is really going on in their new life. She deduces correctly the goings on and murderous atmosphere that Walt is in, and pleads that the last gasp must be to turn himself in. Walt spouts off with an AWESOME speech where he tells her that he is the one people fear and the whole organization ceases to exist without him. Skyler gets the fuck out of there, flipping a coin at the four corners to decide where to flee to. Walt also gets the keys to the car wash from smarmy ex-owner Bogdan. As a final "fuck you," Walt insists on keeping the first dollar Bogdan ever made and uses it to purchase a refreshing Coke.
Walt Jr. starts asking questions about where Skyler is and how she has no right to be mad at Walt because he "has a disease." Walt insists that everything he does is because of the choices he has made and not his "gambling disease." Speaking of poor decisions, Walt buys his sons love by purchasing him an awesome Dodge Challenger MUSCLE CAR OF AUTOMOBILE ERECTIONS. A out of work school teacher that just bought a car wash and has a "gambling problem" buys his son a new car. Yup, everything is normal over here, IRS.
Jesse shows up to work at the lab, oop nope, he's going out with Mike again. But not before him and Walt have a little face to face time regarding Jesse's new status within the crew. Walt really gives it to Jesse, basically telling him that he is nothing and that this must be ALL ABOUT ME. Walt figures out, accurately I might add, that Gus is driving a wedge between him and Jesse. After the way that Walt sums up the situation I would be ready to tell him to piss off as well. This isn't a you help me, I help you relationship anymore. Right now, its more about the horrible things they have done for each other, and there zest for staying alive. It's already clear that Jesse is trying to get as far away from what he has done to help Walt (killing Gale) with his drug use and constant partying. Looks like Gus' plan is working pretty well.
With Jesse out of the lab and Walt stuck with all the cleaning, he does the sensibly thing and bribes three Honduran women from the laundry to help out. They of course, are promptly fired and deported by Gus, because he is a ruthless crime boss. What did you expect Walt? Even after he tells Tyrus that, "You tell Gus to blame me, not them." Tyrus simply replies, "he does."
Well what do you know, Jesse is halfway competent at being muscle. He coaxes out the methheads in possession of the stash the cartel stole and saves the day. Mike even lets out a wry smile at Jesse's clever antics. Later, Mike presumably sings his praises to Gus, though we do not get to hear the conversation. Gus and Jesse's brief conversation outside the diner lend us to think that what started out as an experiment may have actual merit if Jesse's talent shines through. You don't get an audience with the boss if he doesn't like the job you did. Mike and Gus discuss the message left by the cartel that says "ready to talk?" Mike would like to "get 10-15 operators and hit them where it hurts." Why? Because he is the BEE'S KNEES OF CHARACTERS. Gus instead opts for a meeting to be setup. Lame.
In the final scene, Skyler and Holly return to the house to find Junior's new whip. As he goes for a ride, Skyler insists that it must be returned and that she will get blamed for it. It ends with her right on the money assessment that "someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family."
Fav Scene: Walter's speech to Skyler about how "in control" he is
Fav Line: from above Walt "I AM the one who knocks."
Next Week's Title: Problem Dog (based on the preview and where we are in the season, I think this one is going to be a doozy)
I'm really enjoying these posts, and I look forward to catching up with all the seasons. Tell me, do you recommend that I myself should start a meth lab? I could use the extra cash, and it seems pretty much full proof with no possible repurcussions...
ReplyDeletenooooo why read these if you haven't watched all the seasons, i don't want to feel guilty about posting predictions, opinions, and spoilers here in the comments section if there are people who aren't caught up reading this!
ReplyDeletedo yourselves a favor and watch this show...from the beginning, you won't regret it!