Saturday, August 13, 2011

Comi-Con Chicago's (second) prolific nerd hive

   This year I attended Chicago's Comi-Con with The smoking nerd's own Adam Slaker aka Slakes107. I haven't attended this con recently because the much greater C2E2 has taken it's rightful place as the go to con of the year, but Adam missed that one and I of course was up for any con so off we went. Now if you asked me before I left how many people were going to be there I'd have guessed about 500 maybe 600, nope THOUSANDS. They looped around a football field sized warehouse in eternity just to get in. It was awe inspiring to see how nerdom had grown in Chicago to such epic levels that we can get this kind of showing for a half-assed con like Chicago's comi-con. Why is it half assed? well its because its small and the only things going on are commercial retailers and washed out celebrities charging 40$ for an autograph. Marvel, DC , Dark Horse, Image are all no where to be seen, I guess Chicago isn't good enough for the major publishers to come back twice a year. 

"But Dylan you make it sound like there is no fun to have at all?" No silly reader there was plenty of fun to be had. We saw people in amazing costumes and the first thing you see when you entered was a booth for the Suicide Girls (swoon). If you don't know who they are google it gentleman and thank me later. But oh man did we see some awesome costumes and other great fun was to be had for instance I got two 30$ graphic novels for 15$. I only buy graphic novels at cons it is the only way to go if you have the opportunity. deals, deals, deals. But lets look and some of the other awesomeness.
Yeah thats the Gibson from FLCL (a phenomenally weird anime) made completely out of Legos. I deem thee awesome.
Here is the 10th and 11th Doctors, both of the costumes were clearly very impressive and they both looked exactly like Tennant and Smith. I too find bow ties to be cool.
This is me with the embodiment of evil and destruction in the universe, a Dalek. (specifically the weaponized one from that WWII episode) But were cool, Exterminate? who me?
We also found these awesome people who went pretty far to create very awesome Sucker Punch costumes. I found the baby doll costume to be especially...well made
That was only a fraction of what we saw but I couldn't take pictures of everything so lay off me. But there were princess peaches and marios and Assassins of creeds all over the place. There was also an adorable couple of kids dressed as spider men and Doctor who. I always love seeing the nerd youth. Anyway in short it's not the greatest Chicago con but it is still REALLY awesome. Stay tuned for Adam's interpretation of the awesome and for one more picture I have of the man who clearly won the award for biggest nerd of the con (its pretty prestigious). As always my fine nerds, we do it better.

I love nerds. Comic-Con junkies are the taste makers of tomorrow. Isn't that funny? The tables have turned.- Kristen Bell


  1. who clearly *won the award for biggest nerd of the con.

  2. Excuse me but The bass guitar from Flcl is not a gibson but is what is know as a Rickenbacker. Thank you

    1. You are correct sir or madam, on the card next to the piece it said "Gibson" so in turn I made the mistake of calling it that here and never got around to correcting it. If it is there again this year I will make sure I correct both the piece and the artist with fierce nerd justice
