Monday, July 18, 2011

Next Day Recap: Breaking Down Breaking Bad

This series will appear every Monday following AMC's hit show Breaking Bad. I highly suggest watching the episode before reading this column as SPOILERS will abound.

Episode 1: Box Cutter

Oh glorious day! Oh magical night! As all Breaking Baddamaniacs come off the high that was the awesome return of AMC's most fabulous drama (TAKE THAT DRAPER), let's look at what happened during last night's return to the saga of Walter White and company.

The opening scene flashes us back to the lovable, upbeat Gale as he sets up Gustavo Fring's meth lab that was the backdrop for much of season 3. Very different opening to the previous seasons, where we get a cryptic scene (i.e. the plane crash of season 2, the gangsters crawling in season 3) that plays out during the season. I like the change up. Gale and Gus discuss the quality of Walter's meth (99% pure) to Gale's (96% pure). Gale's downfall was his own fault as he was adamant that they should cook the superior meth. My own worst enemy. I'll miss Gale, what a great tertiary character.

We cut back to the scene at the end of season 3, with Jesse murdering Gale in his apartment. Victor the henchman comes and checks out the scene, finds Jesse in the parking lot, and drags him back to the lab. I think Jesse knew that inevitably he was going to have to go back and face the facts.

Skyler opens her door to find Marie dropping off the latest bill for Hank, and notices that Walter must have spent the night as his car is in the driveway. Anna Gunn (Skyler) had plastic surgery in the time off from the show. Her face is a little weird now, not KILL IT WITH FIRE weird, but Anyway, she moves the car so Walt Jr. doesn't ask questions when he wakes up.

Saul gets a call from Skyler who wants to know where Walt is. Oh lovable Saul, so hilarious. I am a huge Bob Odenkirk fan (shout out to those that remember Mr. Show) and his comic relief as sleazy Saul Goodman bring a nice levity to the intense drama. He is sweeping his office for bugs and freaks out when Skyler mentions meth lab on the phone.

Back at the lab, Gus shows up on scene. The first thought in my head is that WE ARE ABOUT TO GET MAD REAL UP IN HERE. Gus slowly walks in, straight past Walter and Jesse, and starts...stripping? Oh, he's putting on a lab suit. Glasses off, walking back to Walter who is babbling trying to plead his case to Gus, Gus reaches in a drawer and grabs a box cutter. THIS IS INTENSE. Gus circles Walter and Jesse and winds up standing with Victor and Mike. Suddenly, Gus grabs Victor and slits his throat holding him up as the blood splatters all over Walter and Jesse. Walter is horrified. Jesse is stoic, he gets it. Gus reverses the processes, taking off the lab suit and putting his normal clothes back on. He still has said nothing. My face looks like Munch's The Scream. At the top of the stairs Gus tells them to get back to work and leaves. So why kill Victor, who had claimed to be able to replicate Walter's recipe? I think it was a combination of failing to protect Gale as well as being seen at the crime scene.

Bed ridden Hank is really being a big meanie! His ultra positive wife Marie, who is slowly being worn down mentally by caring for Hank, comes in with a big smile and asking about his physical therapy. Hank has been slowing making progress in physical therapy and has taken up bidding and buying minerals on teh internetz. At the end of season 3, I thought this storyline was going to suck but I could see it talking some interesting turns.

Jesse and Walt are at a diner getting breakfast after their cook. They have changed out of their blood soaked clothes (the Kenny Loggins shirts are a nice touch). Walt is still frazzled from the day's events, but Jesse is fine. He orders a big breakfast of DELICIOUS PANCAKES and stuffs his face as Walt looks on. He gets it. He knows the agreement they have with Gus now. "We're all on the same page: the one that says, if I can't kill you, you're sure as s**t going to wish you were dead." I hope his character takes a little more of a mature turn as it did in this episode, sometimes he is so annoying.

Walt returns home looking for his car and Skyler tells him where and why she moved it. Noticeably freaked out and curious to Walter's whereabouts the entire episode, she seems relieved he is alive and doesn't ask any questions. I am very interested in her role this season as Walt's home life and drug life start melding more and more.

The episode ends with cops investigating Gale's murder and we see a folder on his coffee table labeled "Lab Notes." SWEET MOTHER OF GOD GALE, WHY DID YOU BRING THAT HOME??!!!!

Fav Scene: Gus and his silent treatment murder in the lab.

Fav Line: Marie "you're buying a new rock?" Hank "I'm bidding on a new mineral."

**tied for fav line is the fact that Jesse did not say "yo" or "bitch" once in the ep**

Next Week's Title: "38 Snub"


  1. glad you got caught up in time for the season 4 premiere. Did that last scene at the breakfast place remind you a little of Pulp Fiction? Just got done disposing of a body, time to hit the diner!

  2. Jess says "Yo" when calling for the waitress at the Denny's, if I remember correctly, haha.
