Now step 1 is to find something you can become obsessively interested in. Whether that's the many different Star Trek manifestations or the many different painting techniques used in table top gaming. Once you found something you love in a nearly unhealthy way its time for step 2. You have to find ways to fit it into ever facet of your life. Date only people with the same interests, stalk those who have contributed creatively to your obsession, or simply talk about it ceaselessly to people who don't care. Be sure to constantly correct people when they get the tiniest thing incorrect about your obsession especially if you're not even part of the conversation.
Step 3 is the easiest but also the most time consuming. You have to become withdrawn from the outside world indefinitely. Who needs living breathing individuals when you can argue with people online about the proper aspect ratio for the HD monitor you just picked up to play Rift on for days at a time? Sunlight is for people with social agendas and unshattered dreams, YOU have more important things to do. That replica sword from Blade 2 isn't going to wave itself around your webcam, so get to it.
I've given you the tools the rest is up to you. I wish all the nerdy hopefuls out there good luck and god speed, lord knows the world needs you more now then it ever has before (probably not).
NERDS RULE!-The Universe(1989)
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