Sunday, February 5, 2012

Its Super Bowl Sunday!...I guess

   Now we of the nerdom faith aren't always known for our knowledge of pro athleticism. But everybody, and I mean everybody, watches the super bowl. And it's not because of the giant mammoth men dressed in armor trying to destroy each other just with their bodies, though that is pretty cool, its because of the commercials. Sweet sweet commercials.

   I am here to inform you why every nerd should watch the super bowl this year if only for the commercials. Now there will be not 1, not 2, but...wait, no it's 2. There will be 2 Star Wars themed Volkswagen commercials that I am sure will delight. There is also the fact that the largest and best trailer for The Avengers will be airing. I just want to hear Cap yell "Avengers Assemble!". That would be awesome.

   The halftime show proves yet again that the people in charge of it care more about pleasing the majority as opposed to the cool kids but what are you going to do? Not watch it? Yes, I'm not going to watch it.

Anyway as always Go Giants, I mean, Nerds Do It Better

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