Nerds Do It Better
Monday, February 27, 2012
The most recent game of thrones trailer blows me away with its awesomeness, awesomeacity?, whatever. Check it out and other trailers for the up coming second season. I for one can't wait.
Nerds Do It Better
Nerds Do It Better
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Nerd Love Part IIII
Here is part 4 of the Nerd Love adventures! Also on another nerdy note I recently played the mass effect 3 demo, it was awesome, check it out. Anyway enjoy this installment and keep checking back at the site for more fun and entertainment!
Nerds Do It Better
Nerd Love Part IIII
Greg: morning sleepy
Brent: back up ya weirdo (Greg does and he is naked below the waist) AH Jesus man! What’s wrong with you?
Greg: What? These are my pajamas.
Brent: You’re nude from the waist down and wearing a stained white t-shirt.
Greg: Yeah, how do you sleep?
Brent: could you put some pants on please
Greg: my house my rules, now scoot over (He sits down next to Brent and grabs a laptop)
Brent: You’re crotch looks like a rabid raccoon eating a raw hotdog, how do you get your wife to have sex with you?
Greg: Have you met my wife?
Brent: …fair enough.
Greg: ok check this out (he shows Brent the laptop)
Greg: yeah it’s a dating website specifically for the nerdy inclined
Brent: well I applaud the innovation but obviously that is not necessary for those of the smooth talking persuasion.
Greg: You asked a bored and drunk nerd girl for her number, let’s not get cocky. Besides it never hurts to put some hooks out to sea.
Brent: No thanks
Greg: I made your profile a month ago
Brent: wow you’re just like a HUGE ass…So how many views have I gotten.
Greg: uh…zero
Brent: What? Give me that (takes the laptop)
Greg: Yeah, you mess with that. I’m going to scramble up some eggs.
Brent: No pubes in mine please
Greg: if you insist
Brent: quick question. Why does my profile say that I am a Native American scientologist who works as a Wal-Mart greeter?
Greg: …You’re not?
Brent: dick.
(at table eating breakfast with Gwen)
Brent: Wow Gwen no offense, but you look rough, how much did you drink last night?
Gwen: I dunno I kept drinking after you passed out in the bathtub.
Brent: I passed out in a bathtub?
Greg: haha yeah. It was right after you went on a rant about firefly.
Brent: well its cancellation was a travesty
Gwen: So was your argument with a cardboard cutout of Spock
Brent: Oh dear god
Greg: Yeah that was the more embarrassing of your drunken moments last night
Brent: Casey didn’t see me like that did she?
Greg: Nah, not too many people noticed I wouldn’t worry about it. Also, who’s Casey?
Brent: The girl I’m supposed to go out with, she was the only person not wearing a costume.
Gwen: Oh the girl in the pink t-shirt?
Brent: Yes!
Gwen: Yeah she totally saw you
Brent: Noooo! What do I do?
Greg: You don’t do anything, you were a party animal last night. A side of you we see too little of, I’m sure she thought you were awesome.
Brent: I’m not so sure.
Gwen: What would you have done had she not seen you like that?
Brent: called her in a couple of days to set up our date.
Gwen: well stick to that plan, pretend you didn’t get these second hand memories from us.
Brent: So just pretend I didn’t do anything and everything is fine?
Gwen: yep
Brent: Hm, yeah I’m cool with that.
Greg: Welp (standing up)
Brent: Gah! (shields his view with his hand)
Greg: I have to go to the store to organize some back issues, you guys wanna help?
Gwen: (smiling) nope
Brent: Not even kind of
Greg: well fine. (he leaves)
Gwen: Got any plans for the rest of this gorgeous Sunday afternoon?
Brent: Nope. Wanna kill zombies?
Gwen: read my mind
(Gwen and Brent playing video games)
Gwen: So what are you going to do for your first date with this Casey
Brent: I don’t know it’s only been all of 12 hours since I got her number.
Gwen: Well you should start thinking, first dates define a relationship for a long time.
Brent: Greg took you to Medieval times, drank too much and, after trying to fight the blue knight, he vomited in your lap.
Gwen: (sigh) yeah
Brent: (laughs) Well maybe your right but if so I should probably get someone else’s advice.
Gwen: …Who else do you even know?
Brent: Well I could ask…there’s always…ok fair point. She says she’s not easily impressed.
Gwen: Then you have two options, go all out and try to impress the unimpressable OR do something very simple that makes you appear magnificently average.
Brent: What would constitute “all out”?
Gwen: Paying more than 40 dollars.
Brent: Average it is.
(Back at Brent’s apartment. He is dialing the phone)
Casey: (over phone) Hello
Brent: Hey Casey its Brent
Casey: Ah yes the guy who got in a fight with Spock and then passed out in the bathtub
Brent: Worst nick name ever. I, uh, don’t usually get that carried away.
Casey: I couldn’t tell
Brent: Well if you could overlook the bathtub nap I think we could have a lot of fun this Friday night.
Casey: You don’t need me to over look the fight with a two dimensional Vulcan?
Brent: No I stand by it, Firefly is awesome and Spock had it coming
Casey: (laughs) ok I’m in
Brent: Great! When should I pick you up?
Casey: How bout seven?
Brent: Seven it is.
Casey: Ok see you then
Brent: Looking forward to it. (hangs up. Immediately calls new number) Hey Greg, She said yes.
Greg: Really?
Brent: Yeah, I wasn’t expecting it either.
Nerds Do It Better
Nerd Love Part IIII
(several drunken
and unclear memories later Brent wakes up on a couch)
Brent: (slowly wakes
up to see Greg’s face mere inches away) Gah!Greg: morning sleepy
Brent: back up ya weirdo (Greg does and he is naked below the waist) AH Jesus man! What’s wrong with you?
Greg: What? These are my pajamas.
Brent: You’re nude from the waist down and wearing a stained white t-shirt.
Greg: Yeah, how do you sleep?
Brent: could you put some pants on please
Greg: my house my rules, now scoot over (He sits down next to Brent and grabs a laptop)
Brent: You’re crotch looks like a rabid raccoon eating a raw hotdog, how do you get your wife to have sex with you?
Greg: Have you met my wife?
Brent: …fair enough.
Greg: ok check this out (he shows Brent the laptop)
Greg: yeah it’s a dating website specifically for the nerdy inclined
Brent: well I applaud the innovation but obviously that is not necessary for those of the smooth talking persuasion.
Greg: You asked a bored and drunk nerd girl for her number, let’s not get cocky. Besides it never hurts to put some hooks out to sea.
Brent: No thanks
Greg: I made your profile a month ago
Brent: wow you’re just like a HUGE ass…So how many views have I gotten.
Greg: uh…zero
Brent: What? Give me that (takes the laptop)
Greg: Yeah, you mess with that. I’m going to scramble up some eggs.
Brent: No pubes in mine please
Greg: if you insist
Brent: quick question. Why does my profile say that I am a Native American scientologist who works as a Wal-Mart greeter?
Greg: …You’re not?
Brent: dick.
(at table eating breakfast with Gwen)
Brent: Wow Gwen no offense, but you look rough, how much did you drink last night?
Gwen: I dunno I kept drinking after you passed out in the bathtub.
Brent: I passed out in a bathtub?
Greg: haha yeah. It was right after you went on a rant about firefly.
Brent: well its cancellation was a travesty
Gwen: So was your argument with a cardboard cutout of Spock
Brent: Oh dear god
Greg: Yeah that was the more embarrassing of your drunken moments last night
Brent: Casey didn’t see me like that did she?
Greg: Nah, not too many people noticed I wouldn’t worry about it. Also, who’s Casey?
Brent: The girl I’m supposed to go out with, she was the only person not wearing a costume.
Gwen: Oh the girl in the pink t-shirt?
Brent: Yes!
Gwen: Yeah she totally saw you
Brent: Noooo! What do I do?
Greg: You don’t do anything, you were a party animal last night. A side of you we see too little of, I’m sure she thought you were awesome.
Brent: I’m not so sure.
Gwen: What would you have done had she not seen you like that?
Brent: called her in a couple of days to set up our date.
Gwen: well stick to that plan, pretend you didn’t get these second hand memories from us.
Brent: So just pretend I didn’t do anything and everything is fine?
Gwen: yep
Brent: Hm, yeah I’m cool with that.
Greg: Welp (standing up)
Brent: Gah! (shields his view with his hand)
Greg: I have to go to the store to organize some back issues, you guys wanna help?
Gwen: (smiling) nope
Brent: Not even kind of
Greg: well fine. (he leaves)
Gwen: Got any plans for the rest of this gorgeous Sunday afternoon?
Brent: Nope. Wanna kill zombies?
Gwen: read my mind
(Gwen and Brent playing video games)
Gwen: So what are you going to do for your first date with this Casey
Brent: I don’t know it’s only been all of 12 hours since I got her number.
Gwen: Well you should start thinking, first dates define a relationship for a long time.
Brent: Greg took you to Medieval times, drank too much and, after trying to fight the blue knight, he vomited in your lap.
Gwen: (sigh) yeah
Brent: (laughs) Well maybe your right but if so I should probably get someone else’s advice.
Gwen: …Who else do you even know?
Brent: Well I could ask…there’s always…ok fair point. She says she’s not easily impressed.
Gwen: Then you have two options, go all out and try to impress the unimpressable OR do something very simple that makes you appear magnificently average.
Brent: What would constitute “all out”?
Gwen: Paying more than 40 dollars.
Brent: Average it is.
(Back at Brent’s apartment. He is dialing the phone)
Casey: (over phone) Hello
Brent: Hey Casey its Brent
Casey: Ah yes the guy who got in a fight with Spock and then passed out in the bathtub
Brent: Worst nick name ever. I, uh, don’t usually get that carried away.
Casey: I couldn’t tell
Brent: Well if you could overlook the bathtub nap I think we could have a lot of fun this Friday night.
Casey: You don’t need me to over look the fight with a two dimensional Vulcan?
Brent: No I stand by it, Firefly is awesome and Spock had it coming
Casey: (laughs) ok I’m in
Brent: Great! When should I pick you up?
Casey: How bout seven?
Brent: Seven it is.
Casey: Ok see you then
Brent: Looking forward to it. (hangs up. Immediately calls new number) Hey Greg, She said yes.
Greg: Really?
Brent: Yeah, I wasn’t expecting it either.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Link's Links
I know we just had a Skyrim link last week. But this is too cool not to post. After the official coding was all finished, the programmers were given a week to create whatever in-game mod they could think of. The link below takes you to a 5 minute video showcasing some of the more impressive ones. Personally, I'm really hoping they add some of this as future'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.

"Definitely going to have to try that 'Fus Ro Dah' stuff on Ganon next time."
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Nerd Love part III
Hey Nerdlingers! Just in time for this great holiday of love I have the next installment of the super nerd Brent's journey for love. It just seemed right. Anyway enjoy and Happy Valentines Day!
-Nerds Do It Better
Nerd Love part III
Greg: They have to be obscure, everyone knows who Boba is.
Brent: And why are we walking? Its freezing.
Gwen: Me and Greg are planning on getting sloshed but if you wanna drive feel free. It’s only two
more blocks anyway quit your bitchin’.
Greg: you should do what I do and wear pajama pants under your jeans. Its warm and it is always good to have an extra pair of pants on. Especially if you’re planning to get some in a public place, which in college did-
Gwen: Not ever happen.
Greg: Dreams count!
Brent: Why would having another pair of pants help in that situation?
Greg: Accidents happen
Gwen: were here
Brent: Really? It seems quiet is this a small-(door opens and music is blaring and there are many people dressed as all kinds of things) Never mind.
(they enter)
Greg: Doctor’s companion, red shirt, red shirt, Fuchsia City gym leader, Kim from scott pilgrim. I am impressed.
Gwen: Oh, there’s Jerry come say hi.
(Jerry is a thin hairy guy. They all go say hi)
Gwen: (kisses him and gives him a hug) Hey Jerr bear how are you?
Jerry: Very good, Lyn Me I like it.
Gwen: Thank you
Jerry: Greg, always good to see the guy sleeping with my baby sister.
Greg: Happy to do it.
Jerry: And who is this flamboyant blade runner? Oh my god Brent! How are you?
Brent: Good man it’s good to see you.
Jerry: Last time I saw you was at these dumbdumbs’ wedding. As I recall you were dating that
skinny red head?
Brent: We broke up recently actually. Totally mutual and I didn’t act pathetic or anything.
Jerry: HA well you’re in luck I have a LOT of single friends here
Brent: Great, any of them straight women?
Jerry: A handful I think. Oh Brent if only you were a gay android killer.
Brent: If only you were a buxom young lass dressed as Harley Quinn instead of a hairy man.
Jerry: Well we can dream. Go go have fun, drink and be merry.
Greg: Catch you later Jerry. (Jerry goes off and talks with other guests)
Brent: I’m going to hit the bar
Greg: We’ll meet ya there.
(Brent walks to the bar and bumps into a woman in line)
Woman: You almost made me spill
Brent: Well then I am almost very sorry
Woman: The toll to the bar is to guess who I am-
Brent: Gwen Stacy
Woman: How did you get that so fast?
Brent: You’re blonde and wearing an “I heart Spidey” sticker. Personally I think Spider-Man was as
much at fault for your death as the Goblin was.
Woman: Well he was young
Brent: True
Woman: I’m going to the dance floor maybe I’ll see you out there
Brent: Yeah. Maybe (she walks away)…id never step on that dance floor.
(Brent makes a cocktail and heads to a large seating area where the music is not as loud)
(He sits down next to a girl dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.)
Brent: Hi
Girl: Hey
Brent: Brent slash Gaff
Casey: Casey slash girl who doesn’t care about party themes
Brent: One of my favorite lesser know characters
Casey: Funny
Brent: You say that and I want to believe you cause I AM funny but I noted sarcasm.
Casey: Ha ok Brent, how is it you’re at this party.
Brent: I'm good friends with Jerry’s sister, you?
Casey: I work with him
Brent: Really? Hmm ok well I'm going to get a drink
Casey: You have one right there
Brent: True but I can see the future. Can I get you anything?
Casey: Are you going to drug me and take advantage of me?
Brent: …only if you want me to.
Casey: Gin and tonic.
Brent: On it (he leaves the area and grabs hold of Jerry)
Brent: Jerry, what’s the deal with Casey?
Jerry: Interested in Ms. Party-pooper eh? That was quick.
Brent: Is she cool? Single? Open to dating poor self-employed writers?
Jerry: Yes, Yes, And you would have to ask her.
Brent: What is she into?
Jerry: The standard fair you are looking for I have no doubt. She was going to dress as a Doctor but
she assumed it would be played out, (A Doctor walks by) rather accurately I think.
Brent: Right. Ok thanks. (Brent quickly mixes a drink and walks back to the quite room. Casey is gone) Hey random guy dressed as a spartan super soldier.
Random guy dressed as a spartan super soldier: Yeah
Brent: You see a girl sitting on that couch go anywhere:
Random guy dressed as a spartan super soldier: Yeah, I think she went out back.
Brent: Thanks Chief (Brent walks outside and on his way trips over a cape and falls through the back
door. He looks up at Casey smoking a cigarette)
Casey: I didn’t need the drink that bad.
Brent: I meant for my entrance to be less dramatic then that but hey, didn’t spill a drop (He hands her
the drink)
Casey: So what’s your deal Brent?
Brent: My deal…hm Well I’m a writer. I write reviews for several websites. Video games, movies,
that kind of thing. Also I was wondering what you were doing on…sometime.
Casey: Smooth. Are you asking me out? And if so why?
Brent: I dunno life is short, shorter if you’re a replicant but short none the less.
Casey:…ok Brent I’ll bite. (she writes down her number on a napkin) Call me and we will do
something this weekend. I should warn you I am not easily impressed.
Brent: Good, that takes the pressure off
Casey: Later nerd boy (She walks away)
Brent: Yeah later (he walks back into the party and runs into Greg)
Greg: Hey man how’s it going?
Brent: Good actually I have a date this weekend.
Greg: Already?! That’s awesome man good job! I was worried you were going to be single forever.
Brent: What?
Greg: Hey babe! Come Here! (Gwen walks over)
Gwen: What is it?
Greg: Brent has a date this weekend.
Gwen: OH thank god. I thought you were going to be single forever.
Greg: Right!?
Brent: I hate you guys.
-Nerds Do It Better
Nerd Love part III
(On the side of
the street on Saturday night. Brent dressed as Gaff, Greg dressed as Lobot, and
Gwen dressed as Lyn Me from the Max Rebo Band)
Brent: If you
were going to dress up as Lyn Me why didn’t you dress up as Boba?Greg: They have to be obscure, everyone knows who Boba is.
Brent: And why are we walking? Its freezing.
Gwen: Me and Greg are planning on getting sloshed but if you wanna drive feel free. It’s only two
more blocks anyway quit your bitchin’.
Greg: you should do what I do and wear pajama pants under your jeans. Its warm and it is always good to have an extra pair of pants on. Especially if you’re planning to get some in a public place, which in college did-
Gwen: Not ever happen.
Greg: Dreams count!
Brent: Why would having another pair of pants help in that situation?
Greg: Accidents happen
Gwen: were here
Brent: Really? It seems quiet is this a small-(door opens and music is blaring and there are many people dressed as all kinds of things) Never mind.
(they enter)
Greg: Doctor’s companion, red shirt, red shirt, Fuchsia City gym leader, Kim from scott pilgrim. I am impressed.
Gwen: Oh, there’s Jerry come say hi.
(Jerry is a thin hairy guy. They all go say hi)
Gwen: (kisses him and gives him a hug) Hey Jerr bear how are you?
Jerry: Very good, Lyn Me I like it.
Gwen: Thank you
Jerry: Greg, always good to see the guy sleeping with my baby sister.
Greg: Happy to do it.
Jerry: And who is this flamboyant blade runner? Oh my god Brent! How are you?
Brent: Good man it’s good to see you.
Jerry: Last time I saw you was at these dumbdumbs’ wedding. As I recall you were dating that
skinny red head?
Brent: We broke up recently actually. Totally mutual and I didn’t act pathetic or anything.
Jerry: HA well you’re in luck I have a LOT of single friends here
Brent: Great, any of them straight women?
Jerry: A handful I think. Oh Brent if only you were a gay android killer.
Brent: If only you were a buxom young lass dressed as Harley Quinn instead of a hairy man.
Jerry: Well we can dream. Go go have fun, drink and be merry.
Greg: Catch you later Jerry. (Jerry goes off and talks with other guests)
Brent: I’m going to hit the bar
Greg: We’ll meet ya there.
(Brent walks to the bar and bumps into a woman in line)
Woman: You almost made me spill
Brent: Well then I am almost very sorry
Woman: The toll to the bar is to guess who I am-
Brent: Gwen Stacy
Woman: How did you get that so fast?
Brent: You’re blonde and wearing an “I heart Spidey” sticker. Personally I think Spider-Man was as
much at fault for your death as the Goblin was.
Woman: Well he was young
Brent: True
Woman: I’m going to the dance floor maybe I’ll see you out there
Brent: Yeah. Maybe (she walks away)…id never step on that dance floor.
(Brent makes a cocktail and heads to a large seating area where the music is not as loud)
(He sits down next to a girl dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.)
Brent: Hi
Girl: Hey
Brent: Brent slash Gaff
Casey: Casey slash girl who doesn’t care about party themes
Brent: One of my favorite lesser know characters
Casey: Funny
Brent: You say that and I want to believe you cause I AM funny but I noted sarcasm.
Casey: Ha ok Brent, how is it you’re at this party.
Brent: I'm good friends with Jerry’s sister, you?
Casey: I work with him
Brent: Really? Hmm ok well I'm going to get a drink
Casey: You have one right there
Brent: True but I can see the future. Can I get you anything?
Casey: Are you going to drug me and take advantage of me?
Brent: …only if you want me to.
Casey: Gin and tonic.
Brent: On it (he leaves the area and grabs hold of Jerry)
Brent: Jerry, what’s the deal with Casey?
Jerry: Interested in Ms. Party-pooper eh? That was quick.
Brent: Is she cool? Single? Open to dating poor self-employed writers?
Jerry: Yes, Yes, And you would have to ask her.
Brent: What is she into?
Jerry: The standard fair you are looking for I have no doubt. She was going to dress as a Doctor but
she assumed it would be played out, (A Doctor walks by) rather accurately I think.
Brent: Right. Ok thanks. (Brent quickly mixes a drink and walks back to the quite room. Casey is gone) Hey random guy dressed as a spartan super soldier.
Random guy dressed as a spartan super soldier: Yeah
Brent: You see a girl sitting on that couch go anywhere:
Random guy dressed as a spartan super soldier: Yeah, I think she went out back.
Brent: Thanks Chief (Brent walks outside and on his way trips over a cape and falls through the back
door. He looks up at Casey smoking a cigarette)
Casey: I didn’t need the drink that bad.
Brent: I meant for my entrance to be less dramatic then that but hey, didn’t spill a drop (He hands her
the drink)
Casey: So what’s your deal Brent?
Brent: My deal…hm Well I’m a writer. I write reviews for several websites. Video games, movies,
that kind of thing. Also I was wondering what you were doing on…sometime.
Casey: Smooth. Are you asking me out? And if so why?
Brent: I dunno life is short, shorter if you’re a replicant but short none the less.
Casey:…ok Brent I’ll bite. (she writes down her number on a napkin) Call me and we will do
something this weekend. I should warn you I am not easily impressed.
Brent: Good, that takes the pressure off
Casey: Later nerd boy (She walks away)
Brent: Yeah later (he walks back into the party and runs into Greg)
Greg: Hey man how’s it going?
Brent: Good actually I have a date this weekend.
Greg: Already?! That’s awesome man good job! I was worried you were going to be single forever.
Brent: What?
Greg: Hey babe! Come Here! (Gwen walks over)
Gwen: What is it?
Greg: Brent has a date this weekend.
Gwen: OH thank god. I thought you were going to be single forever.
Greg: Right!?
Brent: I hate you guys.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Link's Links
When he's not too busy learning to play a new instrument that for some unexplained reason can send him back in time to an alternate universe while simultaneously turning him into a purple chicken....or dealing with an unnecessarily annoying pseudo-sidekick....or damaging the personal property of others in hopes of finding a rupee or two.....Link, like most us, enjoys wasting time on the internet. Occasionally, he will come across something that is too good not to share. So with that in mind, I present Link's Links.
Our first submission is primarily aimed at all you Skyrim fanatics out there. But, really, anyone who reads this site will enjoy it. I have no idea how this person put this together, but check out "The Great Battle of Skyrim."

Link Approved
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Its Super Bowl Sunday!...I guess
Now we of the nerdom faith aren't always known for our knowledge of pro athleticism. But everybody, and I mean everybody, watches the super bowl. And it's not because of the giant mammoth men dressed in armor trying to destroy each other just with their bodies, though that is pretty cool, its because of the commercials. Sweet sweet commercials.
I am here to inform you why every nerd should watch the super bowl this year if only for the commercials. Now there will be not 1, not 2, but...wait, no it's 2. There will be 2 Star Wars themed Volkswagen commercials that I am sure will delight. There is also the fact that the largest and best trailer for The Avengers will be airing. I just want to hear Cap yell "Avengers Assemble!". That would be awesome.
The halftime show proves yet again that the people in charge of it care more about pleasing the majority as opposed to the cool kids but what are you going to do? Not watch it? Yes, I'm not going to watch it.
Anyway as always Go Giants, I mean, Nerds Do It Better
I am here to inform you why every nerd should watch the super bowl this year if only for the commercials. Now there will be not 1, not 2, but...wait, no it's 2. There will be 2 Star Wars themed Volkswagen commercials that I am sure will delight. There is also the fact that the largest and best trailer for The Avengers will be airing. I just want to hear Cap yell "Avengers Assemble!". That would be awesome.
The halftime show proves yet again that the people in charge of it care more about pleasing the majority as opposed to the cool kids but what are you going to do? Not watch it? Yes, I'm not going to watch it.
Anyway as always Go Giants, I mean, Nerds Do It Better
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