1. Gremlins (1984)

I have loved gremlins from an early age. I was born in 1989 so I can only assume I saw it at around 5 or 6. Christmas and horror are just a great combination, no one expects bad stuff to happen at Christmas. Plus you start with a racist interpretation of a Chinese man in a mystic sundry shop selling a mysterious troll of some kind. Only we soon realize it's a freaking adorable Mogwai later named Gizmo (pictured to the right). But he comes with these seemingly inane rules (Something about only feeding them water at midnight? I'm sure its not important). Which ,because the protagonist is a young lad, he is doomed to break. They turned into less adorable green trolls and cause havoc killing people around town until they conquer the town in gangster fashion. The cute mogwai saves the day and it ends with the people you care about living, good times all around.
2. Aliens (1986)
Bombastic space marines with crazy futuristic weapons fighting off hundreds of Xenomorphs? Count me in. It starts with crazy awesome futuristic technology keeping a woman alive for 57 years continues into a fusion reactor plant meant to terraform the planet that is infested with xenomorphs. A bunch of the marines die and they find a girl named after an amphibian of some kind. It ends with a fight between a giant xenomorph queen and a bad ass Ripley wearing an exoskeleton. If they asked me what I would have wanted to see in an sci-fi horror movie (using some kind of time travel) I would never have come up with something that awesome. Game over man...game over.
3. Predator (1987)
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ritually Homicidal Humanoid, A guy named Dillon, And inter species bare knuckle boxing. Nough. Said.
One of the scariest movies of my youth and truly terrifying it was. It starts off with this cool futuristic space ship which is apparently DOS based and the cool awakening of the crew from cool frozen sleeping pods. Then they go to an alien planet with an alien spaceship that is warning people away from it but the evil company wants whats in there. How they slowly learn what the thing is that wrapped itself around the face of the British guy who then has a Xenomorph burst out of his chest is very interesting and increasingly frightening. Pair that with a psychotic synthetic human named Ash who truly admires the alien and you got a recipe for sci-fi terror awesomeness.
5. The Thing (1982)
An alien monster that can disguise itself as other creatures as well as grotesque combinations of all those lifeforms it consumed. I haven't seen the prequel yet but I've heard pretty good things. Frozen space ships and ancient all devouring alien of unspeakable origin that causes a descent into paranoia amongst the research team. No one can trust anyone but must rely on others anyway its both legitimately scary due to a roaming monster that wants to kill you as well as deep psychological terror because anyone could be the alien. I love The Thing its one of my favorite scary movies of all time.
I love scary movies and while Halloween may be over the movies are still there to watch and terrify me. So check these out if you haven't already (if that's the case I don't think your reading the right blog) and thank me later
Nerds Do It Better
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