Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Steve Jobs Memorial

   I'll be honest when I first started using macs I couldn't stand them, I had an immediate distaste for them that I would vocalize when ever the topic came up. That being said Apple has become so much more since then and I have grown to love them as so many others have. Which brings me to why I write this article, A god among nerds passed away today. The co-founder of what is now the most lucrative computer company in the world, Steve Jobs passed away mere hours before this articles writing after a long drawn out fight with pancreatic cancer, one of the most terrible and mortal forms of cancer.
   There are many joys in my life that I owe this man, I remember how awesome and powerful I thought my first Ipod was and how I would walk for hours listening to podcasts and music from Itunes to lift my spirits. My current Iphone is the greatest thing I have ever had in my pocket and has saved me from embarrassment and misinformation countless times. I would not have these devices, that were seemingly stolen from the future, if not for Steve Jobs and to that point I salute the man and a nerdy life well lived.

R.I.P Steve Jobs
Heaven is now a nerdier place.

Nerds Do It Better


  1. Well said brother, well said.

  2. A solemn and respectful memorial to a true visionary and one of the finest minds of our generation. Well put.

  3. steve jobs 's an idiot misanthrope and he's a business man , not a nerd.
    apple encourages ppl to think different but they just should encourage them to think.
