Thursday, September 1, 2011

George Lucas Sucks My Balls

As you're all probably well aware, George "I-will-rape-your-childhood" Lucas will be re-releasing Return of the Jedi on Blu-Ray. Now if this were any other treasured nerd culture franchise, that statement would be good news....but remember, we're dealing with the Sci-Fi Satan here. From what I've seen, most of the forced CGI changes will be completely asinine, like adding eyelids/pupils on the ewoks. But there is one change in particular that really sticks in my craw....during the climactic scene where (if this is a spoiler for you, you don't belong here) Darth Vader saves Luke by picking up the Emperor one-handed-like-a-boss and tossing him down the reactor shaft...George "Fuck-everything-you-love-and-cherish" Lucas has decided that Vader should let out one of those ridiculous "Noooooo!"'s we all hate so much. Goddammit. The whole point was that he didn't need to say anything. The scene was so well done that even through he wore that expressionless mask and said nothing, you could still see the inner turmoil. The fact that Vader never said anything, but just made his decision and acted on it like a silent badass is what made that scene so goddamn powerful.
And since the internet is full of lots of people much more funny than me, here's a link to some of the better online reactions to the news:

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