This previous weekend I went and saw the latest in Marvel's avenger themed movie line, Thor. First and fore most let me say that through out my comic book nerdom I have never had much of a love for Thor. I knew him, he was there and I noted his existence. But with Marvel's Avenger "initiative" what nerd would I be if I didn't go see the movie.
My first impression with the film was how gorgeous the visuals of Asgard were. The CGI was phenomenal for a movie that was probably as rushed as all the avenger's movies have been for the last couple years. Chris Hemsworth who played Thor did a great job getting across the whole Bombastic-entitled-jerk-to-educated-hero...thing. Natalie Portmen is hot as always and did fine as the love interest but the romance in the movie seemed hookey to me. One minute a dude is falling from the skies and the next they're making out but that's not their fault. Kate Dennings is super funny and Anthony Hopkins as Odin was just awesome. Oh and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, I say hell yes.
The action was great and all but as a true blue comic fanatic I know enough to know they deviated from the Thor mythos quite a bit, I understand it on an intellectual level but it still stings a little. I could get into it but if you don't already know what I'm talking about why are you reading this? Anyway long story short I give it 3 flaming tires out of 5, good but Captain America (one of my favorite super heroes) better be great. They already show him using a gun in the trailer...whatever
Oh, no… this is Earth, isn’t it?-Thor(2011)
it doesnt matter how hokey the relationship is when its natalie portman bro. she hot as hell thats all that matters. cheers from wyoming