Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition!

Player's Handbook

            I want to play Dungeons and Dragons. Not because I’m curious about the name stay of geekdom references held throughout the world and not because of some hipstery desire to embark on a quest full of ironic humor. I want an adventure that I can have with my friends full of fear, laughter, joy, and loss. I want to pretend to be a burly warrior with nothing left to lose because it would be awesome, not goofy. I am a huge nerd, I mean you are on this website reading this article so chances are you already assumed that.  So it may come as a surprise but I have never had the opportunity to engage in a dice roll for initiation.

            With the release of the fifth edition and the free basic rules player’s handbook I can finally see my way into understanding and appreciating the game as it was meant to be. A series of adventures that relish in creative ways of dealing with problems as opposed to straight up fighting all the time. Also with things like the McElroy clan releasing an episode of My Brother My Brother and Me that was just two hours of them playing as well as the all-powerful Nerdist conglomerate releasing live-streams of them playing I have no doubt me and my dum-dum friends can get this going too.

            I want to play Dungeons and Dragons, really bad. If you know of people who are down to fantastically clown please let me know. Now it is time for me to get a dice set and find some willing participants. Remember always my nerdy compatriots…

Nerds Do It Better

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