Saturday, December 21, 2013

Another Installment in the Gotham Tourism Campaign

Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Gotham City Tourism Campaign

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bruce is eating his feelings again......

The pic below is a reference to a recent episode of comedian Kumail Nanjiani's podcast, "The Indoor Kids." If you like the subject matter of this'll like the podcast. Check it out. (Pssst! The episode in question is the one with Matt Mira guesting)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Give us your Rupees....LINK!

One of my personal favorite comedians, Kyle Kinane, puts on an utter clinic of how to effectively troll a corporate twitter account. Enjoy:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My fellow Whedon-ites! Rejoice! For the Lord hath delivered unto us his blessings! Firefly will finally be resurrected a comic...a.k.a. the greatest artistic medium ever...ever

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Get Your daily dose of Mind Blowers by popping over to this link! I gotta go back and re-read this thing!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

And now another installment of:
(remember to click the pictures for a better view!)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hey, You Crazy Kids....Check out this new feature!

(Click on the panel for a better view)



Friday, April 26, 2013

C2E2 arrives once again!

 Oh ho ho HO my fellow nerdlingers, it is that sweet time again when a young nerds fancy turns to variant covers and overpriced autographs. That's right C2E2 is in the air and I, your Chicago champion of nerdy exploits, will once again be tweeting up the event (follow me @thesmokingnerd) and wrapping up the event with a post of pictures and love and probably also mockery.

 I love C2E2 to a surreal degree, it is the joy that sustains me the rest of the year and with the exhibitor space being increased an apparent 50% I can only assume that that joy will double. (That's how math works, right?) Anyway, I'll be there all day Saturday and if you are also going to be there feel free to hunt me down. I'll be the big guy in the nerd t-shirt with the beard and glasses. You should have NO trouble finding me.

  Its going to be a great time and me and my nerdy compatriots are going to take the event by storm. So we shall see you there, have fun, be safe, and for gods sake look at the evidence and realize the truth...

Nerds Do It Better