I'm about as Irish as I am into collecting novelty shot glasses, a little bit, but its St. Patrick's Day which means IT DON"T MATTER. Now St. Patrick's Day is a day owned by all Americans as a day we are expected to squander by getting too drunk to remember any of it. How then does this effect the Nerd community? Well Ill tell you. As nerds we appreciate fun, our version of fun may be different but the quest for fun is what drives our obsessions. There is a lot of fun to be had on a night like St. Patrick's Day night. These are just a few of the nerdy games I like to play while I'm drunk with other drunk people.

1. A game I like to call "What was that?"- The object being to throw in some nerdy vocabulary into seemingly normal conversation. Lets say someone says something mumbled so you don't quite hear them instead of saying "Can you say that in English?" try saying "Can you say that in Basic Galactic?" or if someone asks (or tells in my case) you to dance say something like "I'm not wearing my hover shoes" or "No thanks I dance best when using my super powers and I shouldn't in public". Most of the time you'll be ignored but the few confused "whats" and drunken moments of acceptance are worth it.
2. Wear something blatantly nerdy, almost obnoxious. Like a mask or helmet that represents your nerdy stature. Something like a storm trooper helmet or batman mask, it will attract the nerdy and fun while scaring away the undesirables. Also it is a discreet vomit receptacle, just don't leave it somewhere someone will put it on.
3. The classic bar debate. This is your realm, you know it, I know it, and everybody in the bar is going to know it as well. Not only do you have the drunken social skills of a well trained programmer, writer, or botanist (your profession is irrelevant really) that allows you to seamlessly worm your way into an overheard conversation, BUT you also know EVERYTHING. Everyone needs to be aware of how knowledgeable you are, even people across the bar discussing what makes beer taste good have that right. Anything you don't know off the top of your head the powerful omni-tool, called a phone, in your pocket surely will.

That's just a couple of the things I like to do on a night meant for the destruction of brain cells. I'm going to go out with some good friends I don't get to see that often, drink way too much, probably post pictures of it in a drunken haze, and then wake up the next morning full of regret and shame. Because it's fun. On that note, you know whats not fun? Dying. I certainly haven't heard good things anyway so Don't Drink and Drive. I know I'm preaching to the choir since we are the smart ones but that also means were smart enough to not let those around us Drink and Drive either. Have fun out there and be safe.
Nerds Do It Better